Friday, April 9, 2010

University of Maryland Graduation Gifts!

Just heard that I have a cousin graduating from University of Maryland.
Being on a budget I can’t afford to fly to College Park so I am hunting for the right gift for a Terrapin.
After doing some searches online I have found that the number one gift you can give a graduate is money! Armed with this information I did more research into how to give cash in a personal way. That was when I discovered . This website sells a craft kit that comes with directions and templates to take any amount of cash and make it into a personal gift. I ordered the Shirt Design for $4.95, paid through pay pal and when it arrived had the shirt made in about 10 minutes. The Shirt is made of 7 bills so I used three $10’s and four $5’s to make the gift worth $50 total. I decorated it in the school colors of red, white, black and gold with ribbon and stickers.

The best part of all this is that I was able to ship my gift on time and my gift is the most memorable of all making me the hero of the graduation. GO Terrapins!!.

Order yours today use this link below: